Repeat Prescriptions
If you require a repeat prescription, please fill out the tear off slip on the back of your prescription and tick whichever medication you need. The prescription should then be posted in the post box located on the right hand side of Reception. Repeat Prescriptions can not be dealt with over the phone.
Prescriptions take 48 hours to process. If given on a Friday please note that it will be ready on the following Tuesday.
Repeat dispensing
If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing from the pharmacist. This means you can collect your repeat medicines directly from the pharmacy without having to visit the surgery every time you need more medicine.
Ask your doctor for if you would like to be considered for repeat dispensing.
Prescriptions Fees and Exemptions
Prescription fee as of April 2021 are:
- Single charge: £9.65
- 3 month PPC : £31.25 - Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer savings for people who need extensive medication.
- 12 month PPC : £111.60